Analyzing the educational system and teacher training in South Korea with a look at chemistry education

Document Type : Review article


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


South Korea's educational system is known as one of the best educational systems in the world, and its renovation began 45 years ago. This country has achieved development and leadership in education by implementing teacher training projects and improving the quality of education. By studying the successful experiences of this system, we intend to present its features in order to improve the country's education. This is a review article and it is done in a library method, which examines the education and training system of teachers with a view to chemistry education in South Korea. The education system in South Korea is set based on high standards and attention to the academic performance of learners. In order to improve the quality of teachers' work, in addition to the complete educational program at various levels, practical-skill courses are also implemented. Chemistry education curriculum trains experts in chemistry teaching and development of chemistry education knowledge. Some of the outstanding features of education in South Korea are: emphasis on academic excellence, focus on new technologies, emphasis on academic ability tests, increasing the quality of teachers, developing skills, creating growth opportunities, paying attention to managerial ability, standards The scientific superiority of teachers, respect for the teaching profession, has been prioritized in the programs. In general, the education and teacher training system in South Korea is one of the most prominent countries in the field of education and training due to its high standards, commitment to excellence and emphasis on continuous professional development to ensure the success of teachers and students. This research will create a new point of view for planners, officials in the field of education, especially in chemistry education
