Investigating chemistry teaching topics in Iranian and Finnish schools in order to achieve sustainable development and improve the chemistry education system

Document Type : Review article


1 Chemistry Education , Farhangian University Allameh Amini Campus , Tabriz , Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Trying to improve the educational system of countries is one of the important actions of researchers in the field of education in all countries. Examining the educational systems of leading countries in education and using their successful experiences can be effective in improving the educational system of other countries. In this article, the research was conducted using descriptive-survey qualitative research method, and the materials were collected by referring to the documents related to the education systems of Finland and Iran, information databases, and library sources. Examining the educational content and goals in Finland, unlike Iran, shows that in Finland researchers from different universities are placed next to educational designers. In Iran and Finland, the content is determined, selected and organized in relation to the educational goals, but in Finland, the teacher has more freedom to choose the content that matches the educational goals. Finally, the recommended solution for improving Iran's educational system is to get help from researchers from other universities to produce educational content and to give teachers more freedom in choosing educational content.
