Comparing the Content of Bohr's Atomic Model and Quantum Numbers in the Chemistry Textbooks of Iran and Ethiopia

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


One of the most obvious factors that play a role in the scientific progress of a country is the educational system and the content of textbooks of that country, so by examining and comparing the books of Iran with other countries, it can play a significant role in the scientific progress of the country and improving the content of textbooks. The present study was conducted in order to compare the content structure of the Iranian chemistry book with the Ethiopian chemistry book. In order to achieve the goals of the research, two topics of atomic structure (Bohr atomic model and quantum numbers) were selected. The research data were analyzed according to Brady's model. The results showed that by examining and comparing the secondary chemistry textbooks of two countries, the strengths and weaknesses of each can be identified. Therefore, we conclude that in order to solve some educational problems and shortcomings of scientific concepts in the mentioned books, if possible, changes can be made such as paying more attention to the teaching of inorganic chemistry, providing more figures and tables, deepening the teaching of some concepts, etc. In scientific researches, compilation and editing of textbooks of Iran should be used by respected enthusiasts.
