Examining the benefits and methods of flipped classroom in chemistry education and presenting a suggestive daily lesson plan

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this descriptive library-based study is to use the flipped classroom method in the senior high school chemistry course. The population of the study includes all the documents, certificates, and resources such as books and articles which are related to the subject under study. With the advancement of information technology, the number of students has also increased, and the teacher-centered classes do not meet the needs of students. Fliped classroom is an educational approach in which direct training is transferred from the group training environment to the personal training environment, and as a result, the group environment becomes a dynamic and interactive educational setting, factors that can contribute to the attractiveness and improvement of flipped classroom in chemistry lessons In this article, four pillars of the flipped classroom—comprising flexible learning environments, a learning culture, self-made content, and professional instructors—are examined along with suggested methods for creative flipped teaching, how to achieve the ideal flipped classroom, and eight significant challenges that may arise in the implementation of this approach, all aimed at assisting teachers in a deeper execution of this method. Finally, a proposed lesson plan for a topic in 10th-grade chemistry is provided using the flipped teaching method within the framework of behaviorist theory.
