The role of teacher-centered research methodologies in the development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of chemistry teachers

Document Type : Original research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA student in Curriculum Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Teaching is a multifaceted and intricate professional practice that necessitates a deep understanding and development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), particularly for chemistry educators. PCK, which integrates content knowledge with pedagogical knowledge, has been a focal point of research in teaching and curriculum development since 1980s. PCK encompasses the ways in which teachers transform their understanding of the subject into forms that are comprehensible and engaging for students. Despite the existing literature on teacher-centered methodologies, there remains a significant gap in understanding how these approaches can effectively cultivate PCK as an essential component of teachers' professional competencies. This study adopts a qualitative research framework to investigate the impact of teacher-centered research methodologies—such as action research, lesson study, and self-study—on the enhancement of PCK among chemistry teachers. The authors draw upon their diverse and credible experiences to provide comprehensive insights into this process. Findings reveal that teachers employing these pragmatic research approaches are able to identify and address specific challenges within their classrooms. Moreover, they gain a deeper understanding and development of their PCK within particular educational contexts, ultimately leading to improved student learning outcomes. These findings highlight the critical role of teacher-centered research as a vital resource for advancing the quality of teaching and learning in chemistry education.
