The application and comparison of Bard and ChatGPT in the education of inorganic chemistry

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, PO Box 889-14665, Tehran, Iran

2 , Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.


Today, with the public availability and developments of  artificial intelligence and its utility in everyday life of human beings, chemistry teachers, like other professional users in various jobs, attempt to explore and apply it in their profession In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to get acquainted with the capabilities and shortcomings of two artificial intelligence robots, Bard and ChatGPT (two of the most common and publicly available chat bots); Therefore, this study investigates the feasibility and the most effective strategies for using the mentioned chatbots in the field of Inorganic chemistry. In this qualitative-analytical study,  ChatGPT-3.5, and Bard have been used to investigate and evaluate the ability to answer questions in the field of chemistry The answers produced by these two smart robots have been used in the field of teaching the shape of molecules, symmetry, calculating lattice energy, checking the Born Mayer equation, and predicting the structure of spinels. Moreover, different learning levels such as knowledge, application and problem solving in terms of the quality and accuracy of the answer, as well as the use of different media in providing the answers were compared and analyzed.
