Designing a learning unit to teach the production of hydrogen and oxygen during the electrochemical decomposition of water in an electrolytic cell

Document Type : Original research


1 Chemistry Secretary, Department of Education, District 1, Ardabil, Iran

2 Chemistry Secretary, Department of Education, District 2, Ardabil, Iran


Conducting experiments based on the concepts that chemistry is based on plays a key role in teaching the topics of this branch science. It challenges the students and involves them in the teaching topics. Moreover, it strengthens the spirit of cooperation, right communication with peers, sharing information among students, and empathy among them in one way or another. During this type of teaching and learning, students' creativity emerges and they turn into active and deep learners. There are some topics in high school chemistry books which are challenging for students to understand. The most important of them is electrochemistry, in which galvanic, electrolytic, water electrolysis, and iron corrosion cells face a serious challenge due to a lack of deep understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and ions, the structure of molecules, and oxidation-reduction reactions. The present study has attempted to present a new design for teaching the topic of producing hydrogen and oxygen in 12th chemistry textbook. The use of new technologies, including software and educational videos, helps improve teaching chemistry to students, a feature observed in this study. In this approach, students try to experience the theoretically learned concepts in practice through laboratory activities.
