Investigating and simple teaching of periodic properties of elements to 10th grade students in the periodic table using games

Document Type : Original research


1 Chemistry Secretary of Hassan Abad Region, Tehran. Iran

2 Secretary of Education Chemistry of Somai and Bradost region, West Azarbaijan, Iran


The purpose of this research is to use games and simple methods to teach the periodic properties of the periodic table of elements to 10th grade students so that their learning problems can be considerably reduced. One of the advantages of this method is that the learner himself gets involved with the problems, and his motivation to learn increases significantly, which facilitates learning for the student. Field study was conducted on 10th grade students of two schools in Tehran and Urmia selected by purposive sampling and were categorized into four 30-student classes studying in the field of experimental sciences in the academic year 1400-1401. The instruments used in this research was the evaluation of academic achievement. The results of the research indicated that game-based education is very effective in students' learning and contributes to deep learning. Group activities under the teacher's supervision makes students very interested in friendly and healthy competition and enhances deep learning. This study has attempted to use simple methods in order to solve some of the problems of learning the periodic table among the students.
