Guided Exploration Method: A Study of Electronic Arrangement and Balance

Document Type : Original research


1 دبیر شیمی آموزش و پرورش، مشهد، ایران

2 دبیرشیمی آموزش وپرورش،مشهد، ایران


The human mind is active and the teacher creates learning conditions and strengthens mental skills and thinking abilities. Teaching method is one of the most important elements that are increasingly effective in achieving educational goals. Exploration is a research method that can help us understand what and how the world around us is.This paper uses guided probe teaching model to investigate the effectiveness of balancing concept and electronic arrangement. The research method is a descriptive review with an applied approach. In this research work, a number of worksheets that have been prepared and implemented for the desired purposes in the chemistry classroom are introduced. By compiling worksheets based on guided probe cycles, the learner benchmarks the data and writes explanations for the development of chemical concepts. Observations of this study showed that this teaching model leads to the activation of students and their full participation in teaching and learning.
