The importance of teaching chemistry through practical work and its role in students' understanding

Document Type : Review article


1 Master student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran

3 Expert in supervision of preschool centers, General Directorate of Education, Hamadan, Iran


Chemistry is the science of life and it is impossible to imagine life without chemistry. In the absence of chemistry, the sun will no longer shine, metabolism will not be carried out in the bodies of animals and plants, and even no production and economic activity will occur. Chemistry is also one of the important subjects in high school. Nevertheless, chemistry education has always had problems and difficulties, and teachers have always thought of finding a solution to facilitate the learning of chemistry. Using practical work and chemistry laboratory is a suitable solution to increase the amount of learning chemistry. Education along with practical work can make students think and help them learn. In this regard, this research has been conducted with the aim of reviewing the importance of teaching chemistry through practical tasks and its role in students' understanding, and several simple and low-cost experiments that can facilitate the learning of chemistry have been investigated. The study method is searching in Persian and English databases and reviewing articles, books and theses related to chemistry education and the use of laboratories in chemistry education. And at the end, the importance of using experiments to facilitate the learning of chemistry has been discussed.
