An attitude on hidden concepts in understanding and teaching chemistry

Document Type : Review article


1 Master's student in Analytical Chemistry, Maragheh University, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Chemistry has many abstract concepts that students have difficulty understanding and learning. These concepts are important because if these underlying concepts are not properly understood by the learners, subsequent scientific concepts or theories will not be understood. Most of the students have difficulty in understanding the concepts of chemistry and despite trying hard for chemistry exams, they fail the exams. Science education tries to make students acquire scientific knowledge. Knowledge is constantly developing. People change meanings and concepts to fit their perceptions of knowledge. Therefore, meaning and concept as the final product is a cognitive ability. Through a person's interaction with more complex situations, concepts are created, strengthened, expanded, or completely removed and transformed. In the present research, we examined and reviewed the concepts of experimental sciences, especially understanding and perceptual concepts or misunderstandings of chemistry concepts. We explained the methods of understanding the concepts and the misunderstandings that occurred, and then the research of different researchers was discussed about the concepts of chemistry and basic science courses. In the end, based on the reviewed research, suggestions have been presented that will be fruitful.
