Design of Content for Teaching the Elements Recognition with an Exploratory Approach Based on Bruner's Theory

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


In the educational system of Iran, textbooks are the main source of learning available to students and teachers. Students are obliged to memorize and learn the content of textbooks. In this research, an attempt was made to prepare an appropriate content for teaching the elements recognition according to the findings and principles of the content selection and learning experiences using the technique of content analysis and based on Brunner's exploratory point of view in the curriculum. The educational content was designed in the form of practical activities and tailored to the scientific needs of the junior high school students. The statistical population of the research includes female junior high-school students of Karaj city in the academic year of 1400-1401. This activity was performed during the Covid-19 pandemic under virtual educational system. Therefore, at the end of the activity, in order to check the effectiveness of the prepared content, a Google form survey was designed and its link was given to the students. This survey contained components and content elements that were prepared based on Bruner's exploratory approach. This content has improved the attitude towards exploratory method, future jobs, chemical elements and chemistry in general, except for the attitude towards the interest in supplementary classes in the junior high school students.
