Applied Content Designed for the Topic of Electrolysis Based on an Inquiry Approach

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Electrochemistry is a broad and very important subject in chemistry. The many applications of this field in the production of green and sustainable energy based on solar cells, batteries, fuel cells, as well as the development of sensors based on electrochemistry express this issue. Considering the importance of electrolysis process in the electrochemistry and the necessity of learning this science for chemistry students, in the current research, we designed a practical content. The current research has been devoted to the design of electrolysis content for undergraduate students based on an inquiry approach and an applied-descriptive type. At first, by reviewing the references of courses related to electrochemistry, the necessary prerequisites for the design of the desired content were examined. Then, main subjects were assigned to design educational content to teach practical activities in the field of electrolysis. Finally, the scientific content was designed according to the inquiry approach. It is hoped that by using this educational content, we will witness meaningful learning and a deeper understanding of the electrolysis subject in the learners.
