Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Chemistry Education During Covid-19 Pandemic: Achievements and Challenges

Document Type : Review article


Chemistry teacher, Robat Karim, Tehran, Iran


With the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease and the consequent widespread closure of schools and universities all around the world, education methods have undergone many changes. These changes have happened very quickly in all parts of the world as in our country. Virtual education was widely used in many educational centers. This sudden transition from traditional to virtual education has had consequences. Students and teachers entered a new era of education that was mostly unknown. One of these changes is the much wider use of information and communication technology (ICT) in sicence education. In this article, we have reviewed the literature and studied the capabilities of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, especially in chemistry teaching. The various aspects of information and communication technology, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the more and more use of information and communication technology (ICT) especially in science education, also the opportunities and challenges created in this regard for students, teachers and professors have been examined.
