Providing a Model based on Exploratory Teaching Method for Teaching Chemistry and Comparing it with Lecturing Method

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of our research in this article is to achieve the goal of teaching chemistry better by providing a model based on exploratory teaching method and comparing the effect of lecture teaching methods with exploratory teaching methods and students' attitudes toward teaching chemistry. First, we discussed the importance of different teaching methods and the impact of each on students' learning, and then presented a model based on teaching the exploratory method. We have described the different stages of teaching this model in detail in each session, and finally, after teaching through lecturing and exploratory teaching methods in a few sessions, we found that students learn concepts by exploring and asking questions. If they learn, they will remember much more than we can teach them the same content in other ways. Examining the mean scores of post-test and pre-test students in the exploratory teaching group, the results indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test and post-test in the two teaching methods and a significant difference in the exploratory teaching method. It has faced a great growth, and this indicates that the exploratory teaching method plays an essential role in students' learning.
