Study of the Effectiveness of Green Chemistry Technology Education at Farhangian University

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Yazd, Iran


Green chemistry education aims at educating responsible learners, environmentally conscious citizens, nurturing creativity, encouraging and motivating them to study and research the environment and ways to protect it, as one of the most important factors considered in achieving development. The statistical population of this study was Yazd Farhangian University students who were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency and percentage (and inferential test) Pearson correlation, Excel software and SPSS software. Results showed that it is best to provide a suitable context for students at Farhangian University to enhance the link between green chemistry education and general education, given the important role that green chemistry plays in human life through appropriate and strategic planning to manage green chemistry at schools and to better quality teaching and learning. This article aims to provide new attitudes, skills and knowledge in universities and schools. The use of green chemistry in education will increase the quality of life and the environment for a healthier and safer environment.
