Some learning problems in chemistry

Document Type : Review article


1 Chemistry student, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate issues that have made the learning process difficult for learners to complete. In this article, the findings of the researchers in the past few decades have been examined to reach a general overview about chemistry learning obstacles and also to reduce these very problems to the lowest possible extent by providing some suggestions. Qualitative research method has been used instead of quantitative method. This research's findings are expressed in four general categories: curriculum content, language and communication, concept formation, and motivation. Results illustrate that problems are related to the specialized language of chemistry, the amount of content, abstract and mathematical nature of the aforementioned subject. In order to reduce learning's difficulties, one must be careful about choosing the content to teach because selection of the content is the first step to achieve the desired goal of learning. Student's previous knowledge about a subject is crucial because that can ease the path of reaching the final destination of the desired learning (the learner may not have sufficient prerequisite information on the topic). It is also better to motivate a learner to engage with another in order to make the process of learning easier for all.
