Why Research in Chemistry Education?

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Department of Science, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


Emphasizing the importance of "research in chemistry education" is a response to the fundamental concern of all chemistry scholars who believe that "chemistry learning is difficult for learners". This claim is based on the authors' studies in chemistry education and is based on the results of researches published in scientific journals. Over the past century, many efforts have been made to overcome the problems of chemistry learning. Older researchers such as Otto and contemporary researchers such as Johnston and Nakhleh have tried to address this question from different angles by asking the question of “why is chemistry difficult to learn”. Despite a century of research into the problem of chemistry learning, the issue is still a matter of concern to chemists, which doubles the importance of research in chemistry education. Chemistry educators in Iran also seem to need extra effort and self-sacrifice to fill this gap with the developed world.
