A Comparative Study of Chemistry Education Curriculum at Farhangian University with Former Chemistry Education and Chemistry Bachelor degree

Document Type : Original research


Deptrment of Chemistry, Farhangin University, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to compare the curriculum of chemistry education with former chemistry education and undergraduate chemistry curriculums. The research is a comparative survey based on the Brady pattern. According to this model, the information required for the three disciplines was first collected, interpreted, categorized, and then the similarities and differences were analyzed. The results revealed that the goals and contents of the chemistry education curriculum have similarities and differences with the other two programs mentioned above. Innovative aspects of the chemistry education curriculum include the addition of Pedagogical-Content Knowledge courses (PCKs) and an increase in the internship units, which are highly effective in shaping student teachers' professional identity and enhancing their teaching skills. On the other hand, the reduction of specialized chemistry units, the reduction of laboratory units, and the increase in the number of public units can be among the challenges of the curriculum of chemistry education which can be effective in reducing the scientific level of future chemistry teachers.
