Green chemistry education with applying calculation in high school laboratory

Document Type : Activity


1 Department of Science, Farhangian University, Bushehr, Iran

2 Chemistry Teacher, Bushehr, Iran


The term of green chemistry or sustainable chemistry is related to the design of products and processes that can be observed in the twelve principles of green chemistry. In this regard, attending to the green heat sources used for the reactions and how to choose the green reaction with considering economic dimension of the atom is under the discussion in green chemistry. Therefore, in this paper, with the simple calculations for students, this opportunity can be created. In order to select the energy sources and type of reactions, more accurate in the laboratory, and due to the criteria of green chemistry, from the energy sources like microwave, hot plate and flame, the microwave is more suitable for performing the reaction, and they will observe the hot plate and flame in the next position and on the other way they will attend to the economic issues in performing reactions with producing and using materials with less toxicity.
