A Review on Nanotechnology and Necessity of its Teaching in High Schools

Document Type : Review article


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Nano-chemistry has been recognized as a new scientific field in 21th century. It is multidisciplinary and is closely connected with chemistry, physics, medicine, energy etc. and it is developing rapidly. Using nanotechnology and nano-science, it is possible to design and manipulate optical, magnetic, electrical, chemical and etc. properties of materials. Therefore, it is necessary to update the science presented in schools and incorporate nano-science and technology in a coherent way so that future generations and workforce can make responsible scientific decisions. Among the advantages of nano-science to other sciences is enabling students to better understand the relation between the sciences. The best education results are rarely achieved without strong teacher motivation, active education and optimized learning methods. This article emphasizes the necessity of teaching the concept of nano-chemistry and its understanding. Designing a proper strategy and innovation in research will lead to better learning, participation and self-confidence from students.
