Applying the IBSE Teaching Methodology in Teaching Chemistry and Entrepreneurship

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Shahid Beheshti Campus, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Entrepreneurship and the creating the spirit of production in the new generation have always been emphasized by the educational systems including Iran’s. Hence, education (office) as the main pillar of the educational system of the country is required to take the necessary steps in the direction of entrepreneurship training, which as a result will contribute to the country's industry and economy, as well as meet the scientific needs of the industry. The school takes this burden as the connecting point of the community and the educational system. Therefore, creating a productive environment in the classroom and increasing the entrepreneurial spirit in students is one of the tasks of the school and teachers. This research presents a method for teaching basic sciences in which the creativity of students is taken into consideration, so that the method (IBSE) (Inquiry based science education) was performed in the field of air and gases in "Salaam" high school and its results has been analyzed and studied. It was found from this activity that in addition to teaching specialized chemistry concepts, other concepts such as civilization, technology and creativity which help to develop entrepreneurship could be teach using IBSE method.
