Design of Solution Making Processes in an Inquiry Based Manner at a Chemistry Laboratory

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Science, Farhangian University, Rasht, Iran

2 Farhangian University, Rasht, Iran


The purpose of the present study is to use inquiry based method to deepen solution making skill in the laboratory. This study is conducted on students who are undergoing general chemistry lab No 2. The inquiry based teaching method creates the situation for learners to solve the problems by thinking and research based on their subjective questions and finally concluding from it. The main focus is on the arguments presented at student group seminars and the coach does not suffice on the final report. In addition to mastering solution making skills, students seek to develop critical thinking when searching for resources and during different stages and doing practical work. In the implemented plan, knowledge is the result of the student's experience; so that, he will be able to solve it in the similar way.
