The principles of needs assessment in the desired curriculum in chemistry education

Document Type : Original research


Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


This research aims to investigate the principles of needs assessment in the desired chemistry curriculum using a qualitative approach and analytical-descriptive method. The present article revolves around the position of needs assessment in the chemistry education curriculum and seeks to provide a comprehensive insight to curriculum planners regarding the needs assessment in chemistry education. In this article, three principles of needs assessment including agreement-based, issue-based, and goal-based assessment along with the patterns presented in each of them in the chemistry education curriculum, and their respective needs in chemistry education are discussed and examined. This investigation showed that needs assessment forms the basis of activities carried out in curriculum planning in chemistry education, and if an appropriate method for needs assessment is not chosen, the validity and reliability of the results may be compromised.
