Attention to entrepreneurship in chemistry education: from "Classroom" to "Real World"

Document Type : Original research


1 PhD in Chemistry, Chemistry Teacher, Khorasan Razavi Department of Education, Mashhad, District 2

2 PhD in Chemistry, Member of the Board of Directors of Azin Araye Saramad Sanat Co.


Most of the elites and university graduates in our country take the following path: after completing their studies, they look for a suitable job, and work for about 30 to 40 years. They get a job promotion every year or every few years, finally they retire and wait for their pension. Although by going through the above path, some of the graduates will reach a suitable level of well-being and comfort, which can be important in its kind, and they even provide valuable services to the country in some ways, but parallel to this path there is another way, namely the idea of starting a business. In other words, passing from being a simple ‘employee’ and entering the field of "entrepreneurship". Considering the potential of the field of chemistry and its extended use in various fields, the need to pay special attention to the business creation training and commercializing ideas is very important. In other words, training sufficient skills can turn a chemical researcher or scientist into an ‘entrepreneurial chemist’. In the meantime, introducing the ‘real world’ of chemistry to the students and graduates of this field is an essential step. In addition to this, institutionalizing entrepreneurial thinking and strengthening the skills needed to enter this field should be placed among the priorities of chemistry education, which requires the creation of an entrepreneurial spirit among chemistry teachers and professors. Providing the necessary platforms in educational environments, such as holding chemistry entrepreneurship courses and introducing students to industrial and commercial environments, is very helpful in guiding university graduates towards creating new businesses.
