Multi-level mobile game software to support organic chemistry education

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran

2 Master student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


Mobile phone technology is becoming increasingly popular in higher education. The need for a new type of education has arisen since a decade ago, and researchers have slowly been solving this issue, but with the emergence of the Corona virus and its epidemic, the steps to solve it was accelerated. Chemistry-related software on smartphones has emerged as a comprehensive and popular platform in many settings, including chemistry classrooms. In this paper, a new game-based software for portable and touch devices is introduced and reviewed. Chirality-2 covers several aspects of undergraduate organic chemistry. This software tries to increase the organic chemistry knowledge of its users by playing games, showing problems, and providing side tips, and also allows them to earn various medals based on their score in each stage. Track yourself and share your scores and competitions with your colleagues on social media. The software is free to download for both IOS and Android operating systems and aims to help reinforce important chemical concepts for introductory organic chemistry courses around the world. The target group includes high school teachers and senior high school students, professors and students at the preparatory level of the bachelor's degree, as well as the people who are interested or engaged in studying in other fields.
