The necessity to integrate and teach new technologies at schools: nanotechnology based on the principles of green chemistry

Document Type : Review article


Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


In this study, nanotechnology based on the principles of green chemistry and need to teach it at schools have been introduced and discussed. Review of articles and library studies based on narrative and descriptive review of various researches in this field have been discussed. Nanoproducts based on green chemistry not only have less destructive and toxic effects but also lead to improved management of waste and more cost-effective recycling. So, to reduce environmental risks, it is better to teach its principles and application through the education systems of the country starting at a young age. The use of various programs and step-by-step training can be useful in better conveying the concepts of nanotechnology based on green chemistry to students. The main challenges in this field are the lack of a written framework and program, the lack of sufficient infrastructure, the large number of textbooks, and the lack of proficient teachers. By adopting optimal educational and research policies and programs, the education system can play an effective role in learning the future generation and improving the conditions of the country. 
