The effectiveness of flipped learning on the metacognitive learning strategies of junior high school students in experimental science course

Document Type : Original research


1 M.A in educational psychology, The Higher Educational Institute of Charkhe Nilofari Azarbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Department of psychology and counselling. Farhangian University, P.O. Box14665-889, Tehran, Iran.


The most important factor in students' learning is the existence of problems in the curriculum; and the main problems in the curriculum are related to teaching-learning methods. In this regard, Flipped learning has been researched by many researchers today. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of flipped learning on components of metacognitive strategies of junior high school Students. The method of the study was a single group semi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test. The population of the study included all eighth-grade students of the Junior high school in Kaleybar in the academic year 1401-1402. The Participants in the study were 30 students selected by convenience sampling. Learning Strategies Questionnaire by Karami et al. (1384) was used for data collection. First, the pre-test was conducted. Then, during 13 sessions of 75 minutes, they underwent flipped learning in the course of experimental sciences. After the treatment sessions, the post-test was administered. Descriptive and inferential statistics (covariance analysis) were used to analyze the data. The results showed that flipped learning had a significant and positive effect on knowledge and self-control strategies. Considering the findings of this research and its theoretical and empirical support, it is suggested that this method should be used in the educational system.
