Educational transformation, necessary for the development of green and sustainable chemistry

Document Type : Original research


Chemistry Department, College of Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In recent decades, the issues such as confronting the destruction of the ozone layer, keeping water sources clean, and searching for renewable energy sources have been proposed and taught at different levels of chemistry education. Today, it is inevitable to add topics related to green chemistry in chemistry curricula and to develop systematic education of green chemistry. In addition, green chemistry education is considered the cornerstone of green and sustainable chemistry development. Therefore, one of the most challenging topics in educational planning is the development of green chemistry concepts at different educational levels. In addition, for the effectiveness of the concept of green chemistry in the quality of human life and the environment, it is necessary to spread the concepts and teachings of green chemistry beyond educational environments to society and industry. In this study, the publications about the teaching method of green chemistry at some of the schools and universities across the globe, as well as the methods of promoting it in different societies have been discussed, and the most important methods and applied experiences of this field have been highlighted. Research results indicate that achieving the desired state in implementing the principles of green and sustainable chemistry in the chemical industry requires an educational transformation in order to educate the citizens and workforce familiar with the principles of green chemistry.
