The role and importance of observing safety principles in laboratory work

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


The importance of practical work in various industries has made the importance of the laboratory and familiarity with how to work in that environment, as well as familiarity with the properties of different chemicals in life, become more tangible. Practical work in the laboratory plays a significant role in various industries such as oil, petrochemical, mineral, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. On the other hand, health and safety is an issue that every person who works in a laboratory environment should pay attention to. Prevention of accidents and proper storage of materials, correct use of chemicals during testing and paying attention to the principles of green chemistry are important things that must be followed in order to prevent the occurrence of problems that may harm a person's health. The use of explosive or flammable substances or mixtures is common in chemical laboratories and industrial centres. Lack of knowledge about the possible dangers of these types of materials often leads to explosions or fires, but they can be prevented by following safety precautions. A large number of chemical compounds that we deal with in laboratories are toxic. As a result, accuracy and safety are very important in order to prevent the entry of toxic foreign substances into the body. Therefore, in this article, an attempt has been made to look at this issue from a different point of view, so that it may be fruitful in this field.
