Why and how to teach nanotechnology in secondary schools

Document Type : Review article


1 Master student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Expert in supervision of preschool centers, General Directorate of Education, Hamadan, Iran


Nanotechnology is not a new field, but it is an interdisciplinary topic closely related to other branches of knowledge including physics, chemistry, medicine, energy, etc. Beside the revolution it created across the globe, the emergence of nanotechnology deeply influenced the education systems of the countries around the world so that they could train experts in this field. The expansion of the use of nanotechnology in various branches of industry, medicine, electronics, agriculture, and health, prompts educational systems to raise the students’ awareness in this field by providing concepts and topics related to nanomaterials and their applications. Therefore, it is necessary to update the science taught at schools and integrate science and nanotechnology in a coherent way so that future generations and the workforce can make responsible scientific decisions. Among the advantages of nanosciences over the other sciences is to enable students to better understand and communicate among braches of science. In this article, nanotechnology and the necessity and principles of its education in schools are emphasized. The study method is searching in Persian and English databases and reviewing articles, books, and the sources related to nanotechnology and its education. Finally, the results of teaching nanotechnology at schools are stated.
