Content analysis of the 8th grade science textbook based on the stages of context-based educational design

Document Type : Original research


Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Teaching and learning strategies should provide the possibility of understanding and interpreting phenomena, eventsو and relationships in real life situations so that the students would be able to understand and decide on the issues the students face in different settings. The aim of the present study is to analyze the content of experimental science textbooks based on the stages of the context-based learning strategy. The research method is quantitative content analysis. The population of the study is the 8th grade experimental science textbook, and the sample includes the second chapter of the book on chemistry. The recording unit includes sentences, questions, learning activities, experience, and experiments. The tool for data collecting is the classification table. Each category in this table is a criterion for describing the steps of the contextual strategy. The results show that, there has been more focus on relationship and the experience stage. However, the other stages are less frequent. Therefore, it is necessary for the content of the textbook to provide more activities in the field of applying what has been learned, sharing, and transferring it to a new situation.
