Examining the weaknesses in understanding the concept of ion and formation of ion bond and providing solutions for educational improvement

Document Type : Original research


1 Secretary of Education Chemistry, Guilan Province, Iran

2 Secretary of Education Chemistry, Kurdistan Province, Iran


Investigating weaknesses in education means studying and analyzing students’ misunderstandings in the learning process. These misunderstandings are weaknesses in students understanding of course concepts, which can be interpreted as defects in the teaching process or lack of complete understanding of the concepts. Teachers face challenges with regard to recognizing and removing these misunderstandings. In order to solve such misunderstandings, teachers can use various teaching methods. Moreover, effective communication with students and understanding their needs can have a significant impact on improving the quality of teaching and learning as well as achieving educational goals. The main goal of this research was to identify and investigate the ways of resolving misunderstandings among students about concepts related to ions, ionic bonds, particles that make up ionic solids, and how these types of solids dissolve in water. This article is based on the answers of 25 tenth grade mathematics and physics students Astara and 30 tenth grade experimental sciences students of Sanandaj to multiple choice questions, by which misunderstandings in students’ answers were identified. Finally, a method for teaching the concept of ionic bonding has been designed and presented.
