Non-attendance teaching methods in teaching chemistry laboratory

Document Type : Review article


Secretary of Education Chemistry, Rabat Karim City, Tehran, Iran


The role of teaching laboratory course in chemistry education is undeniable. In-person chemistry labs are very interesting and exciting for students, but sometimes this course is offered as non-attendance course. Laboratory course in online or remote learning courses is challenging. Many studies conducted in this field, especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19, have shown that alternative laboratory methods can yield performance results similar to those of a face-to-face laboratory. In this study, methods for teaching laboratory courses of chemistry (face-to-face, virtual, remote control, home study lab kits, and to a lesser extent self-guided field trips) are examined which may contribute to the quality of practical laboratory activities or may serve as a support for online study. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses and can be used separately or in combination. The selection and integration of these methods, which result from learning outcomes and other factors, is examined as part of the designing process of teaching laboratory course. Finally, laboratory design in the future will definitely include new technologies, and getting acquainted with these technologies can be very useful.
