Designing simple experiments to compare secondary chemistry concepts

Document Type : Original research


1 Master student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Expert in supervision of preschool centers, General Directorate of Education, Hamadan, Iran


Chemistry is a branch of science that examines elements, compounds (made of atoms, molecules, and ions), the effect of substances on each other as well as the changes that a substance exhibits during reaction with other substances. Chemistry is also one of the important high school courses, which is important in the final exams and the national university entrance exam. Nevertheless, there are many problems in chemistry education, and teachers have always thought of finding solutions for them. Using practical work and chemistry lab is a very suitable solution to improve learning chemistry. Teaching chemistry with the use of a laboratory can make students think and make learning more appealing. In this line, this research has been conducted with the aim of designing simple experiments to facilitate the learning of the concepts of the junior high school, and several simple and low-cost experiments have been introduced that can facilitate learning. The study method is based on searching Persian and English databases and reviewing articles, books, and theses related to chemistry education, and the use of laboratory in chemistry education. Finally, the significance of using experiments to facilitate the learning of chemistry has been discussed.
