Examining the criteria of a good chemistry teacher from the perspective of students

Document Type : Original research


1 Master of Chemical Engineering, Secretary of Education Chemistry, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research is actually to express the student's point of view about a good chemistry teacher, which is examined in two dimensions: moral-behavioral and also professional-specialized. Our statistical population is the secondary school female students of Parand city in the academic year 1401-1402, and our sample is 120 secondary school female students of Hananeh School in Parand city, who were randomly selected. We used the questionnaire to collect information. According to the data, from the students' point of view, a good teacher should be friendly with them, should not differentiate between students, be cool and calm, encourage students to develop in them rather than blaming or punishing them. And finally, close and good communication with parents has been of great or very great importance from the student's point of view, and they were unanimous in their opinion that a good chemistry teacher during teaching is better to give everyday and concrete examples in the context of the subject of the lesson or for to have a better and more objective understanding of the subject of the lesson, conduct simple experiments for students. From the point of view of the students, other points that are important for them are the power and strong expression technique of a teacher.
