The role of research and innovation in developing chemistry education

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Education and learning in scientific fields including chemistry has always been one of the fundamental pillars of development in society. In the world today, with rapid advancements in technology and science, there is an urgent need for new perspectives and approaches in chemistry education. One of the most important areas in this regard is research and innovation in the process of teaching. By studying and analyzing the existing teaching methods and evaluating their educational outcomes, it would be possible to identify better methods. Research in chemistry education helps in developing more innovative and appealing methods for learning. For instance, the use of educational films, computer simulations, and virtual laboratories are all among the research outcomes in the field which contribute to improving the learning process. Innovation also plays a significant role in developing chemistry education since developing innovative methods in education can increase students' enthusiasm leading to more attractive types of learning. Furthermore, innovation in educational content and relating education with the real world encourages students to engage in deeper and more practical learning.
