Reviewing the analysis of the content of second year high school chemistry books

Document Type : Review article


1 Chemistry Teacher, Robat Karim, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


Analysis of chemistry textbooks of the second year of secondary school in the years 2010-2019. This research has been done by reference method and library study by reviewing articles during these last ten years. The statistical population of the content analysis articles of the chemistry book of the second year of high school and the statistical sample of the entire number of these articles have been selected. The results of this research showed: according to the content analysis done on the books of different academic courses in recent years in twenty different subjects, more than 53% of the content analysis articles of the second-year high school chemistry book were about determining active and inactive categories (William Rumi) and in different content analysis subjects, the least amount of content analysis was done or No analysis has been done at all.
