Common misunderstandings in burning

Document Type : Original research


1 دبیر شیمی آموزش و پرورش، پژوهشسرای ابوعلی سینا ، تبریز، ایران

2 دانش‌آموز، پژوهشسرای ابوعلی سینا ، تبریز، ایران


Misconceptions refer to the structure of knowledge that is activated in various contexts and is resistant to change. In other words, any kind of scientific flaw in a person's knowledge structure is called a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding refers to previous notions, non-scientific thoughts and beliefs, and mixed concepts and shows a state in which students' opinions are completely contrary to modern scientific interpretation. And it is also one of the most important factors that prevent students from meaningful and permanent learning. As a result, it is necessary for teachers to be aware of these misunderstandings in order to help students understand the material in depth. In order to investigate the misunderstandings related to burnout, a research was conducted among thirty-eight experimental students (all three grades) of Al-Zahra school. In this survey, it was found that students have confusion and misunderstanding in distinguishing the differences between incomplete and complete burning and such cases. In this research, we have tried to mention some of these misunderstandings in order to attract the attention of teachers.
