Common misunderstandings in chemical bonds

Document Type : Original research


1 دبیر شیمی آموزش و پرورش، پژوهشسرای ابوعلی سینا ، تبریز، ایران

2 دانش‌آموز، پژوهشسرای ابوعلی سینا ، تبریز، ایران


Many concepts in chemistry are abstract. Atomic structure, bonding between atoms, ions, etc. are all almost fundamental issues and most students have a misunderstanding in understanding these issues. Misunderstandings are preconceived notions, non-scientific beliefs, simple and unpretentious theories, wrong concepts or conceptual misunderstandings, which are one of the most important factors that prevent students from meaningful and permanent learning. As a result, it is necessary for teachers to be aware of these misunderstandings in order to help students understand the material in depth. In order to investigate misunderstandings related to chemical bonds, a research was conducted among thirty-eight experimental students (all three grades) of al-Zahra School. Investigations showed that students have a misunderstanding in understanding ionic and covalent bonds as well as classifying chemical bonds. For example, they believe that the number of electrons lost or gained will establish an ionic bond, and such misunderstandings are investigated in this research.
