Didactic models in the service of chemistry education

Document Type : Review article


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Didactik models are used to illustrate the decisions and actions that chemistry educators make about Why, What, How, and When to teach a specific content or implement a specific educational activity. It is important for chemistry educators to recognize and reflect on the types of models that guide their work. Therefore, in this research, a number of didactik models that are mostly based on the chemistry triangle (What, Why, and How) and (Teacher, Learner, and Content) is introduced and their applications in chemistry education is analyzed. The models reviewed in this article include content models, relevance models, sequence models, practice models, curriculum models, analysis and reflection models. Examining these types of models directs our attention and actions when designing curricula, planning for teaching, or evaluating the learning process. These didactik models support the implementation of research-based instructional practices and are useful for the professional development of teachers.
