Designing educational content for the subject of electrochemistry by combining STEM and TPACK approaches

Document Type : Review article


1 Master student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Department of Basic Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Expert in supervision of preschool centers, General Directorate of Education, Hamadan, Iran


Electrochemistry is one of the sub-branches of chemistry that investigates chemical reactions that are carried out due to the passage of electric current, or their performance causes the creation of electric current. Electrochemistry is always known as one of the most difficult subjects in high school courses, and teaching and learning it has always been difficult. One of the constant concerns of high school chemistry teachers has been the teaching of electrochemistry, and chemistry teachers have always tried to provide solutions that facilitate the learning of chemistry. In the current research, the design of educational content in the field of electrochemistry with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach for undergraduate chemistry students has been discussed, during which the teacher designs the educational content and creates knowledge content. Also, after designing the educational content, the teacher should be able to teach this educational design with a new approach, that is, using the TPACK (Teaching Technology Content Knowledge) approach. The STEM and TPACK approach used in this research is one of the new methods and approaches of designing educational content and teaching, which use them in teaching and designing an educational content helps the long-term and meaningful learning of learners and leads to exploration and acquisition of skills in learners. However, the successful implementation of such approaches and strategies requires that teachers be aware of them and guide classroom activities accordingly.
