Designing an Educational Content for Corrosion Based on STEM Approach for Undergraduate Chemistry Level

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of Chemistry, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Student of chemistry, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


In today's society, metals are considered as one of the basic human needs so that life without metals will be very difficult and impossible. The rust formation on iron, silver staining and blue green patina on copper are examples of corrosion. Corrosion leads to the loss of metal equipment and structures, as well as the high waste of energy resources and materials. Therefore, metals should be protected against corrosion damage. In order to prevent possible corrosion damage to metal equipment, it is important to focus on training experts in this field. Training professionals and efficient people in this field will occur in the shadow of proper and principled education. In this study, we design educational content in the field of corrosion and corrosion protection with STEM approach for undergraduate chemistry students, during which the learner performs experiments and knowledge construction by constructing his own hypothesis. The present study is an applied research. The required information for this research has been collected through library studies. In the design of the content, the concepts of corrosion and the factors affecting it, the types of corrosion as well as a variety of corrosion protection methods, including techniques and materials, have been discussed using laboratory activities. It is expected that this research will be useful in improving cognitive concepts learning, improving attitudes, and training experts for entering society as well as labor market.
