Application of Two-Dimensional Assessments in Identifying Misconception in Chemical Bonding

Document Type : Original research


Department of basic Science Farhangian University Mashhad Iran


Misconception of subjects causes learners to misunderstand the subjects related to them. Chemical bonding is an important subject in which any kind of misconception creates other problems for learners in understanding other basic topics in chemistry. In this research, data collection is a two-choice or multi-choice two-dimensional and descriptive questionnaire that has been prepared and adjusted according to the Ardianash scheme with modifications and changes. Data analysis was performed by analytical-descriptive method using frequency and percentage. The statistical population of this research is 35 students of general chemistry, physics and chemistry. This study shows that using this type of questionnaire to reveal learners' misunderstanding, reduces random answers by learners and gives the opportunity to explain and justify their views. In this study it was revealed; among the misunderstandings in this field is the emphasis on the hypothesis of ionic bond between metallic and non-metallic elements, and also the use of "electronegative difference as an always-true hypothesis" in determining the type of chemical bond. In this study, it was suggested that if more components are used in designing the questionnaire, more accurate results will be obtained. To eliminate misunderstandings, it would be useful to use a content presentation model based on Johnston multiple levels and to combine microscopic and macroscopic perspectives, theory and laboratory experience.
