Content Analysis of the Tenth Grade Chemistry Book (Chapter 2) based on the Method of William Rumi

Document Type : Original research


1 Student of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present study is to analyze the entire content of the second chapter (Text, images and questions) in terms of whether the content is active or inactive by the method of William Rumi. Also, to achieve accurate and reliable results, the entire content of the second chapter was reviewed. The research tool is the analysis sheet based on the method of William Rumi, whose validity was reviewed and confirmed based on valid internal articles after preparing a sample. The second chapter of the tenth grade chemistry book (traces of gases in life)1400 edition, consists of 48 pages, which has 551 units of text, 96 units of non-writing and 67 units of questions. The results showed that the coefficient of involvement outside the range is 0.4 to 1.5 of William Rumi. What is important for the authors of chemistry textbooks today is to change the approach to science education worldwide and to keep the content of chemistry textbooks up-to-date in a way that equips students with knowledge and skills, and attitudes, engaged, to further harmonize them with the changes and developments of current life; Therefore, if the content activates the student's thinking power, they will have a great impact on learning.
