Investigating and Analyzing Different Paths of Learning, Explaining and Understanding Entropy

Document Type : Review article


1 Department of Basic Sciences, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Chemistry student, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


Many high school and college students have difficulty with basic thermodynamic ideas in chemistry. Thermodynamics consists almost entirely of concepts and equations that are not comprehensible and must be hypothetically learned in order to perform calculations and pass exams. These include important and somewhat incomprehensible concepts for learners are entropy and predicting changes during reaction. This article aims to examine this category of the mentioned relationships and some ways of expressing this concept in learning and overcoming common misconceptions about it using the results of selected research conducted in this field has been studied and analyzed. In this study, what learners understand about entropy and what they misunderstand is identified and classified. Among the factors that are effective in understanding entropy accurately and helping to learn it properly can be related to entropy with molecular movements, the use of appropriate terms in its expression, the use of analogy and the relationship of energy levels with entropy changes in teaching this concept pointed out.
