A Review of Modern Methods of Teaching Electrochemistry by Model Method (TPACK)

Document Type : Review article


1 Chemistry education student, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to review the research conducted in the field of modern teaching methods and its use in teaching chemistry, especially electrochemistry. Due to the prevalence of coronavirus in the world and and its impact on various sectors, especially in the field of education, today virtual classrooms in schools and universities have made it difficult to teach conceptual courses such as electrochemistry; Hence, teachers have turned to new teaching methods, one of the newest of which is Educational Content Knowledge (TPACK). In this review article, we tried to use the types of authoritative researches and articles that have been published in the field of modern teaching methods, electrochemical education and its relationship with TPACK; Most of these articles state that traditional lecturing and traditional teaching methods have led to a misunderstanding of electrochemistry; But today, misuse and ignorance of technology has led to misunderstandings in courses such as electrochemistry. As a result of this study, it was found that high school students have different misconceptions about electrochemistry. After identifying misconceptions, a teacher can correct misconceptions with new teaching methods such as TPACK. Successful implementation of such strategies, however, requires teachers to be aware of students' prior knowledge and possible misconceptions, and to guide classroom activities accordingly.
