Prospects and Challenges in Online Chemistry Education

Document Type : Original research


1 Chemistry Teacher, Tehran, Iran

2 Chemistry Teacher, Chaldoran, West Azerbaijan, Iran


The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges and problems of chemistry online education during COVID-19 virus disease. In this study, a questionnaire method was used which included closed-ended questions and an open-ended question. The statistical population of the study at Google Form was prepared and performed from 100 students of a school in Tehran, a number of teachers and chemistry student teachers. According to the results, the most problems were related to the low effectiveness of online education compared to face-to-face education, high level of evaluation compared to the level of teaching, and sometimes problems related to the Skyroom system. Challenges raised in open-ended question mostly included lack of face-to-face interaction in online education, Students do not have access to mobile phones and the Internet, lack of courses to get acquainted with online education and software required for teachers, giving many assignments and there was injustice in conducting online exams. Therefore, the change in teaching method to online education has created problems and challenges for teachers and students that are expected to be resolved with the cooperation of relevant institutions. 
