A Review of Studies on Students' Common Misconceptions about some Common Concepts in Elementary Science Textbook

Document Type : Review article


1 Elementary education student, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Science, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


Primary education is one of the most important periods of education. Because the basis of science's concepts is learnt in this period. Experimental science course can be considered as one of the most important courses of this period. Because what children learn in this course is closely related to the student's observations of the world around them. It is sometimes observed that pre-school children's observations lead to a misunderstanding of scientific phenomena in the student and based on the same misconceptions, the student becomes misunderstood about the scientific phenomenon. Therefore, after identifying the misunderstandings of their students, teachers should try to eliminate the misunderstandings of the students by clarifying the scientific facts to them. The present study seeks to help researchers, teachers and student-teachers, by collecting and summarizing all the research done on the misconceptions of elementary school students in the course of experimental sciences, so that, to be aware of all the researches in this field and their results, faster and easier if necessary, and to recognize the common misconceptions that students encounter in the elementary period of experimental sciences. The present article is a review article and authors have been used the library method to collect, summarize and classify information.
