Using Games in Teaching Organic Chemistry

Document Type : Review article


1 Chemistry Teacher, Chaldoran, West Azerbaijan, Iran

2 Undergraduate Student in Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


This study is a narrative review study and its purpose to investigate the teaching of organic chemistry  by using games. In this article, the findings of researchers in recent years are reviewed to analyze them and make a general conclusion in this area. This article was conducted in English search for keywords of education, games and organic chemistry in scientific databases and new articles were used for this study. The data of the articles were used to write the findings of this article and the research findings include 5 games about teaching different topics in organic chemistry, each of which is briefly described. The results show that it is difficult to understand the topics of chemistry due to their abstraction, but it is possible to make this lesson sweet and enjoyable for students by playing educational games along with teaching. These games also increase collaborative work among students and increase their motivation to learn. In other lessons, educational games should be used so that students can learn the concepts with more interest and motivation.
